5th CEE Meeting on VH and HIV will take place on 19 – 20 September 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and HIV is an independent program, initiated in 2014 and developed by regional and international Key Opinion Leaders for the medical and scientific community in Eastern and Central European countries. Advances in the treatment of viral hepatitis and HIV are continuing at a rapid and exciting pace, presented and discussed at many large international conferences. Key challenges in the treatment of hepatitis B and C as well as HIV are specific for this region and need to be discussed among clinicians and scientists from these countries. This meeting aims to provide a unique and much needed platform for scientific and medical interchange and education on treatment of VH and HIV. Join us for this focused meeting to address regional challenges and to build collaborations in order to advance the field. The meeting will be CME-accredited and accepted abstracts will be published in “Reviews in Antiviral Therapy & Infectious Diseases”. Conference is already for the fifth time organised by the Netherland’s Company Virology Education having more than 20 years experience in organisation of high-level scientific medical conferences in cooperation with the world-level experts. Previous Conferences took place in Warsaw, Bucharest, Ljubljana and Prague.

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